
Our History

Walker Road Baptist Church was formally organized on June 27, 1954 with twenty-six charter members. The formation of the congregation began sometime before the church was chartered, when Mr. Harold Allison moved to Walker Road from Tennessee to enroll his daughter at the North Carolina School for the Deaf. Mr. Allison who was interested in reaching his new community, built benches behind his house under a tree where a small group began meeting for Sunday school on Sunday afternoons. The group later moved into a canvas tent provided by the Catawba River Baptist Association. A few months later a Summer storm blew down and Demolished the tent. Mr. Henry Lister who lived on Walker Road, let the group meet in his basement. We had a Sunday school enrollment at 41 the day the church was chartered. The 1st acre of land was bought from Mr. D.M. Walker.

The first deacons were E.H. Kanipe, Joe Shell, and Ben McCurry.


Historical Dates

July 4, 1954 – The Church voted to begin affiliation with The Southern Baptist Association.

July 12, 1954 – The First Bible School was held.

January 9, 1955 – Church voted to begin construction on first building (Present-day Youth Department).


August 16, 1964 – Church Began construction on Larger Sanctuary and offices (Present-Day Educational department/Choir Room).

February 22, 1972 – Parsonage was completed.

October 7, 1990 – Old-Timers Day/ Groundbreaking for Current Sanctuary/ Fellowship Hall Facility Construction.